Image: partiture OP.38c SUITE (Tango escondido)


SONATA DE JUVENTUD Piano (Madrid, 2008; revisión de la Balada nº 1 de 1972) (Madrid, 2008)

Lasting time: 9’ 12’’


ALBORADA Electronics or traditional Galician ensemble (Madrid, 1983, revision 1999)

Lasting time: 7’ 30’’


LAS LUMINARIAS Arrangement of folk music (Madrid, 1988)

Lasting time: 3’ 09’’


THE THREE RAVENS White 3-voice choir or mixed 5 voice choir (Madrid, 1996)

Lasting time: 3’ 40’’


LAMENTO Voice and instrumental ensemble (Madrid, 1996) * Texto del autor

Lasting time: 3’ 12’’


AVE MARÍA (Bach – Gounod) Arrangement for 3-voice choir & organ (Madrid, 2008)

Lasting time: 3’ 15’’
First perform.: Coro Stella splendens – Cond. and organ : Enrique Igoa – Iglesia de San Jorge (Madrid) – 21.6.2008
Edition: IMSLP 
Edition: CPDL (ChoralWiki)


CUADERNO DE CAMPO Piano (Madrid – Bari, 2009). Commission of Fundación Música Abierta bound for children with right hemiparesis.

Lasting time: 19’ 40’’
Partial first performances:
“Danza”, work selected for the Festive Piano Composition Contest in Dallas, Texas (USA), 2018
First perform.: Dallas, Texas, 22.12.2019 – Pianist: Felicity Mazur-Park
“Llueve en silencio”. Presentation of the yearly program of Grupo Cosmos 21 – Carlos Galán (p.) – Madrid, Sala Manuel de Falla de la SGAE, 5.10.2021

7 CANCIONES POPULARES de M. de Falla Transcription for instrumental ensemble (Madrid, 2011).

Organic: fl., cl., sax., vl., vc., p.
Lasting time: 14’ 21’’
Commission: Grupo Cosmos 21 como homenaje a Leopoldo Hontañón.
First perform.: Grupos Cosmos 21 – Cond.: Carlos Galán – Auditorio de Tres Cantos – 29.10.2011
Recording: Festival de Tres Cantos – CD


DAMUNT DE TÚ NOMÉS LES FLORS de F. Mompou Transcription for solo piano (Madrid, 2013)

Commission: Luis Fernando Pérez Herrero
Lasting time: 4’ 41’’
First perform.: Luis Fernando Pérez – Temporada de la Sociedad
Filarmónica Palau de la Música – Valencia  31.3.2015


ABIDE WITH ME (W.H. Monk) Arrangement for mixed choir and organ (Madrid, 2016)

Lasting time: 3’ 27’’
Edition: IMSLP
Edition: CPDL (ChoralWiki)

MEMORIAS DE LA ILUSTRACIÓN Arranging of Sonatas 87 and 42 of Antonio Soler for instrumental ensemble (Madrid, 2018)

Organic: fl., cl., alto sax., vl. vc, p.
Lasting time: 5’ 24’’
First perf.: Grupos Cosmos 21 – Dir.: Carlos Galán   – Monographic Concert for Enrique Igoa – Centro Cultural Nicolás Salmerón – Madrid – 24.10.2018


AVE MARÍA (Bach – Gounod)

Arrangement for clarinet, violin, violoncello and piano from Ave Maria for chorus and organ (Madrid, 2019)
Work selected by Ensemble Sound Riot (2019)
Lasting time: 3’ 15’’
First perf.: Ensemble Sound Riot (Emily Tyndall, cl.; Liz Kitts, vl.; Maggie Chafee, vc.; Amber Thruman, p.) – Christ Church Cathedral, Nashville, Tennessee (USA) – 29.3.2019


MODOS Y RITMOS Lesson of Musical Language. Voice and piano (Madrid, 2019)

Lasting time: 2’ 45’’
Edition: El lenguaje de los compositores actuales. Ed. Música Didáctica, 2019


LAINOA MENDIAN Instrumental ensemble
(Morón de la Frontera, Denia, Sombreu-Miño, 2021)
Dedicated: to my grandson Ignacio


MEMORIAS DE LA ILUSTRACIÓN Transcription of the Sonatas 87 y 42 from Antonio Soler for string Orchestra or string quintet (Madrid, 2021)
Lasting time: 6’ 16’


SOROEN ESNATZEA Instrumental ensemble (Madrid, 2023)
Dedicated to my grandson Álvaro
Lasting time: 4’ 05’’